Food For Your Heart. Water For Your Soul. Light For Your Mind.

Category: Poems

  • Angels Must Be Singing

    Angels Must Be Singing

    When I think of you,In my mind I can so plainly see,Your just a little baby,I’m bouncing you on my knee,Your cheeks are stained red from a cherry Popsicle,I give you a tickle and you start to giggle,And then you say Daddy, and I swear I can hear,The voice of a million angels all singing…

  • Images Of The Familiar

    Images Of The Familiar

    I think often of those times in the past, And how at that time, which so swiftly passed, Was held in place a space for me to dwell, In a memory of a moment I remember so well. And what I recall in the memory I see, Is that you’ve always been right there with…

  • A Miraculous Expression

    A Miraculous Expression

    This ever changing world Turning swiftly as we go, Seas churning, Deserts burning, Whistling winds, Whipping to and fro, Sunny Summer days, Winter’s clear cold ice, And powder white snow. Autumn’s dead leaves, Retired to make room for new, Quietly falling all around, Layer upon layer, Adding substance, Nourishing the ground. Awesome blossoms , Springing forth each…

  • When I Catch Myself Smiling

    When I Catch Myself Smiling

    Sometimes, it just blows my mind, When I consider how the sun shines, Down on us human kind. As I ponder how I came to be, Living on this rock, Floating in this sea, Of light, surrounding me, Happily, I play away the day, Adrift, amidst the mist of eternity! It all really is a…

  • Love, Flow Freely

    Love, Flow Freely

    Love, flow freely, as the river does, Search yourself out a perfect place to rest, And when the Son has kissed you softly, Rise and reveal your glory!