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Sally & Sam ~ A Modern Day Frogmance
Meet Sam. Sam is your run-of-the-mill “Modern Day” frog. Sam has lived a life of comfort and convenience along the water’s edge of Central Pond, in the middle of New Fork City, the cuisine capital of Animaland. Sam is a very a happy frog.
This is Sally. Sally also grew up in the Central Pond area, where she spent her days relaxing in the sun between periodic dips in the clear, cool water Central Pond was famous for. Sally too, has lived a blissful existence, full of joy and peace.
One day while doing his stretchersises in the park with his guru, Swimmy the Swami…Sam suddenly got the feeling that he was missing something.
Sam asked Swimmy, “what is this? I want something and I do not know what it is?” To which the Swami replied, “Once one has had everything once, there is only one thing one wants!” Leaving Sam even more perplexed than he was.
Meanwhile across the pond, Sally was having a refreshing Blood-Berry Smoothie with her friend Sherry on the deck at The Waters Edge Lounge & Fly Bar. The two of them had met weekly for lunch since they were just small tadpoles. “The Lounge” was most definitely a spot they visited frequently, because they both loved the Mosquito Pie and Fruit-Fly Sherbert.
Sherry, having received a call from the Taddysitter, excused herself to use the phone, when Chef Wowl stopped to show Sally his Chocolate Critter Coffee Crumb Cake. He had just finished icing it, and it looked delicious. Sally had never had it before and wondered how this could be, given her numerous visits. Chef Wowl explained, “my dear this is a new cake, after you have eaten your meal, I will send a piece over for you to enjoy for your desert.”
When Sam had finished his stretchersises, he decided to take a long drive on his totally awesome VW Bus, Sam’s parents were big-time “Hoppies” back in the 70’s and had restored it for his 16th birthday a few years earlier. After meandering around the pond along The Great Trail, he decided to park and walk over to “The Lounge” for a bite to eat. He wasn’t hungry, but this sinking feeling in his stomach presented a similar sensation and he thought it worth a try.
So, he grabbed his Frogpod 8, slapped on his headphones, hit the play button and began his short walk up the trail toward the back of the restaurant with his favorite song “King Of The Croak” bouncing around in his ears and Swimmy’s words bouncing around in his head.
When Sam got to the deck area he found Sally laying stretched out on the patio, looking like a supermodel. Sally had just said goodbye to Sherry, after a delicious meal, and was now taking in some rays while waiting on the piece of cake Chef Wowl promised to send out.
Sam, being the slick frog he was, pulled out his camera (he was a hobby photographer) and asked Sally if she would mind if he captured her radiant beauty. Sally was more than willing to participate, for as soon as Sally saw Sam her ♥ swooned, she felt Butterflies in her stomach (Of course that was partly because she had the Garlic Butterfly Toast for an appetizer), and an image of their future flashed through her mind.
Sam too immediately knew, he knew that he’d spend the rest of his life with this rare and beautiful gem. And, after many minutes of stimulating conversation, a few photos, an uncomfortably competitive game of “Name That Rib-bit”, and a shared piece of Chocolate Critter Coffee Crumb Cake, each promised their ♥ to one another.

The two shared a very special “First Kiss”, then Sam asked Sally to meet him at Mushroom Circle later that afternoon, and Sam hurried back to his VW Bus and sped off.

Sam went straight back to Swimmy, and told him, “I know what the answer is…it’s LOVE, L-O-V-E, LOVE! The answer is LOVE! To which Swimmy replied, “Love is a very special thing indeed, it is a thing which must be given…now go and give what you have.”
Then Sam went home, told his parents the GOOD NEWS, packed his stuff and headed out the door to meet Sally at Mushroom Circle, Waiving goodbye, Sam walked down the drive, bag in hand, to his VW Bus, leaving his childhood home behind one last time.
Sam collected a gorgeous bouquet of fresh pink flowers on his way to meet Sally and was waiting for her under “The Big Shroom”, bent down on both knees, holding the flowers. Sam once again declared his LOVE for her and asked Sally to share forever with him.
Sally, being head-over-heels for Sam, quickly accepted with a passionate kiss, and the two set out to the Upper East Side of Froghatten to find a new pad.
As luck would have it, a newly cultivated 3 bedroom/2 bath plus loft just opened up at the poshiest estate on Central Pond and they moved in right of the way so they could get started on their own “Modern Family”.
So, they both gave the one thing they had to give, and they both got the one thing they wanted. The two ♥’s became one ♥, and they lived happily ever after, under the lush canopy setting of Central Pond.

The End.
To Be Continued…Maybe…
A Note From The Author:
I happened across these creative photographs during an image search for something else and felt like they were just waiting there for someone to give them a story. Here are all the images I found, but I didn’t use a couple of them. I hope you enjoyed the story.
Images: Alexandra München ~ pixabay
abide balance banquet believe bold bow confess delight Empowering enemies forgiveness fruit fulfilled glory good fruit good ground great commandments hands Happiness happy hearing heart honesty i love you Inspiration integrity Jesus law lending Life Lessons Love melt merciful mercy mighty mind neighbor patience perfect powerful rules to live by searching simple Son Of God soul stone strength strong sweet water
abide balance banquet believe bold bow confess delight Empowering enemies forgiveness fruit fulfilled glory good fruit good ground great commandments hands Happiness happy hearing heart honesty i love you Inspiration integrity Jesus law lending Life Lessons Love melt merciful mercy mighty mind neighbor patience perfect powerful rules to live by searching simple Son Of God soul stone strength strong sweet water

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